Președintele Azerbaidjanului, Ilham Aliyev, a făcut declarații controversate despre Armenia, conform Euro Integration. Într-un interviu acordat televiziunilor azere, Aliyev a numit țara vecină „stat fascist” și „sursă de amenințare pentru regiune”. Declarațiile controversate ale lui Aliyev „Armenia este de fapt o sursă de amenințare pentru regiune”, a afirmat Aliyev, adăugând că statul armean independent „este […]
The main conceptual idea is that Azerbaijan's president has made a highly inflammatory and provocative statement, labeling Armenia a "fascist state" and calling for the "destruction" of fascism within Armenia. This statement carries significant political weight and likely escalates tensions between the two countries.
The main conceptual idea is that Azerbaijan's president has made a highly inflammatory and provocative statement, labeling Armenia a "fascist state" and calling for the "destruction" of fascism within Armenia. This statement carries significant political weight and likely escalates tensions between the two countries.